May You View The Body Before A Cremation?

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If you are having a loved one cremated, you may be surprised to find out that you may even witness the cremation of a loved one. If this is something you'd like, make sure to contact the cremation funeral service ahead of time to find out if this is an option they offer.

What to Expect from a Cremation Viewing

A cremation viewing involves the viewing of the body during a cremation ceremony. Almost all cremations also involve a ceremony in which the ashes are present. The ashes are sometimes kept by loved ones or are scattered. A cremation only involves one body because the cremation chambers can only accommodate one. Some family members would like loved ones to be cremated together because they may find this more beautiful, but it's even illegal in some states.

Typically, when there is a viewing, flowers with a floral spray are placed on the casket. The body is placed in a climate-controlled location. Even if there won't be a viewing, the body is usually bathed and dressed before the cremation. Unlike with a non-cremation viewing, a cremation viewing will usually involve a small number of close friends or family members viewing the body before the cremation. The family members can then be present during the actual cremation.

The Cremation Process

The friends and family members do not actually view the body being cremated. The body is placed in a chamber where it is exposed to very high heat. It must be between 1,400 and 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. The cremation process leads to the body being turned into a fine, clean ash. The ashes are not literally ashes but are instead the bone fragments that were left behind.

Important Precautions

The cremation staff needs to be informed if the is a pacemaker or any medical implants because these can lead to an explosion and can injure the staff and those viewing the cremation. Even when no one is injured by the explosion, the cremation chamber can become damaged, which can be costly. 

The Downsides of Viewing Before a Cremation

When you choose to have a viewing, the cremation is more expensive because you will have to pay for embalming fluids, makeup, and other preparations. This also makes the process slower. For this reason, many individuals choose cremation specifically to avoid the costs of a visitation. However, if you would like a viewing, this option is usually available. 
