4 Things To Remember When Making Headstone Choices For A Parent

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Making headstone decisions can be confusing the first time you are tasked with these choices after the loss of a loved one. When you are dealing with headstone choices for a parent, the stakes can seem especially high, and jitters can set in along with the grief. The good news is that these decisions are usually straightforward and easy to make about a close loved one. Simply remember these things when you are making those choices for your parent.

The Aesthetics of the Headstone Matter

Although you may be concerned only with what you want the headstone to say, it's important to consider what will look best on the specific headstone you've chosen. Some headstones have a large space where you can have a long quote displayed, but others only have the room for a name, date, and short description. Make sure that you look at the headstone carefully before you start the process of choosing what to place on it.

Their Friends Can Shed Additional Light on Who They Were

No matter how well you know your parent, there is always another side to them that their kids can never truly know. After your parent passes away, talk to their friends about who they were. Prepare questions that you always wanted answered about your parent. Let them know that you are preparing to make choices for the headstone, and they may offer you further words of wisdom.

Each Parent Plays Many Roles Beyond Parenthood

In keeping with the effort to understand your parent beyond the role they played in your life, you may want to consider what other roles they played that were most important to them. Choosing words to describe the person on the headstone should then be based on those passions and priorities.

Some headstones describe a deceased person as a "loving wife and mother." However, if you are memorializing a single parent who never married, you may want to state that the parent was a mother or father first. However, you should add more info beyond that role. You may describe them as a sibling, friend, or cousin, depending on which relationships they prioritized.

Sometimes Less Is More When It Comes to Personal Information

You likely know many things about your parent, but don't try to fit too much of that information on a headstone. Sometimes less is more on a tombstone. For example, you don't want to give out too much information, especially things that you aren't sure your parent would want the world to know. Think carefully before choosing which pieces of personal information to share.

Finally, keep in mind that the headstone is a way that others will come to know who your parent was for years to come. That doesn't mean that you have to put pressure on yourself, but it does mean that you should be aware of making careful choices that feel right to you. Trust yourself, and you are sure to honor your parent's memory by making the right choices based on what matters to you and your parents.

For more information, contact local professionals like Maurice Moore Memorials.
